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A Sun warming friends

A Sun warming friends


“A sun was born into the world.”

It was with these words that Dante Alighieri described the birth of Francis of Assisi, in the Divine Comedy, a piece written in Italian.

And as we turn our eyes to the life of the “Poor Man of Assisi”, from his crawling times until his perishing moments, we will be able to observe that this ‘sun’ brightens the life of many creatures, given the example of righteousness of ideal. A conduct so full in itself that it spills over as an explosion of Love, remaining as a concrete figure of goodness 800 years after his death. A remarkable example in the face of humanity.

And what did the Poverello of Assisi do?

From a rich young man, an ordinary guy for his time and his environment, he went through wars and when imprisoned he began the path of self-discovery. In San Damiano, at the ruined church, he heard his call more clearly and started to work, stone by stone, on what he later discovered was not the real work to be rebuilt.

As a way of life, he set Obedience, Poverty and Chastity – vows tied in three knots on the cord that fastened his garment, marking in front of everyone, what he believed was necessary.

His example of work and joy attracted adherents of altruism, involving those who decided to go hand-in-hand with the idea of living the Gospel in its integrity.

And so, he surrounded himself with brothers, the Friars of the order that arose, the Franciscans.

The gospel should be followed alla lettera, to the letter, no comments, in order not to overlap the clear words of the Father.

For this movement, always having God as a guide, he simply extracted from the Scriptures themselves the three verses that would guide the life and rule of the Order:

“If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.”
(Matthew 19:21)

“Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes.”
(Luke 10:4)

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Me.”
(Matthew 16:24)

And so Sister Poverty was betrothed, kept in total oblivion by society.

He healed the sick, satisfied the thirsty, listened, prayed, fasted and meditated. He tirelessly took care of everything and everyone. He used his mind, mastering parapsychological aspects that led him to transcend prisons of the body, foreseeing Past, Present, Future and the secret desires and thoughts of his friends.

Contemplation integrated him into the grandeur of the Whole. One of the ways that earned him more and more followers, making it difficult to organize and fidelity to the essential principles of the Order, which was growing day by day.

He concentrated on his vows, being seen as spazzino, the garbage man, who cared for the “dirty” body of lepers without, however, ever contracting this evil for his flesh. Would this be another act of faith, miracle or true Harmony?

He celebrated the life of Jesus in all His moments. In praising His birth, he creatively invented the Christmas nativity scene, allowing it to be seen “with the eyes of the flesh” all the sublime contained in Humility.

The temptation he suffered was to love his friends so well that he did not wish to renounce the affection he felt for them. But his conviction showed him that even this attachment should be healed, and he finally stated: “Father, this is also yours.” Perhaps it was this remnant of humanity, the stone that kept him on Earth.

Wherever he entered or left, in everything he wrote, he signed with the TAU.

The TAU is a cross which is the symbol of the Order of Friars Minor, the one that unites on the horizontal the Earthly aspects and on the vertical, the transcendental, both living in perfect balance given the equal importance in the way of overcoming oneself.

To overcome oneself was a work in which Francis of Assisi committed himself in every act, aiming to follow a direct route towards the Light.

When his body was weak, he proceeded to the fate of his death carried on a stretcher. On the way he could see Assisi, his homeland, blessing it amid the sign of the cross: “To those who are and to those who will come”.

At his own request, on his deathbed he was naked, lying in the cold, on the floor of the Porziuncola, covered with a robe borrowed from a friar friend.

He died in the afternoon of October 3, 1226, singing praises, among them the “Song of Brother Sun”, inviting everyone to this sublime moment of contemplation. Invitation extended to death itself, which was welcomed as a sister, as he thanked her for opening the “door of life”.

In the smallest detail he was enveloped in Love. In the transfer to the grave he was able to face Clara, saying goodbye to his childhood friend, the accomplice of everything to which they said “Amen!”.

And the same Dante Alighieri seals the life of this apostle who was present on Earth 1100 years after Christ, spreading the idea that he who does not disperse is nourished by goodness. Righteousness of action that Francis triggered with all his heart.

Picture of Our Movement

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Hello !

Welcome to the internal Home Page of the PRÓ-VIDA website. In this environment you will find information about our movement, such as the activities calendar, news and content that may be of interest to you.

Where to find the activities?

You will find the activities calendar right at the top of the home page and, to see all the available activities, just click on “See full calendar”.

The activities are organized by language, time zone, modality (in person, online, or remote in-center), and categories:

  • BAS, AV1 and INT weeks
  • Exercises and Training
  • Lectures and Talks
  • Advanced Levels
  • CGD (General Center for the Tithe)
  • Departments

What activities can I participate in?

You will be able to participate in all available activities, according to your level. They are identified in the calendar by a stripe with the color of the level, on the left side of the activity name.

Basic Level

Every Monday, online Basic Level activities are available. They are offered in four languages ​​(Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English) and different time zones.

In addition, starting at the Basic Level, you will be able to participate in all the activities identified with the following colors:

Weeks, lectures and exercises aimed at participants from the Basic Level and up.

Here you can find activities such as Keeping in Touch, celebrations, and ceremonies.

Activities carried out by PRÓ-VIDA Departments, such as lectures, presentations and studies.

Check the calendar for upcoming activities and check their times.

Advanced 1​ Level

Activities for the Advanced 1 Level and up are also available for those who have completed that level

Weeks, lectures, exercises and talks for participants from Advanced 1 Level and up.

Introduction Level

For those at the Introduction Level, also the following activities are available:

Weeks, lectures, exercises, and talks for participants from the Introduction Level and up.

Activity for all PRÓ-VIDA participants, starting at the Introduction Level.

Advanced 2SC Level

From Advanced 2 Level and up, the following activities are also available:

Weeks, lectures, exercises and talks for participants from the Advanced 2SC Level and up.

How to browse the site?

Navigate through the pages and contents of the site by clicking the links on the top golden bar or the “hamburger button” (≡), located in the upper left corner.

In addition to content and articles on various topics, you will be able to access some important areas for your participation in the activities:

Online Activities: It’s the place where you will access the activities that will be transmitted in the online modality.

Participant’s Area: It gathers information about your registration and your level in PRÓ-VIDA.

Need help?

If you need help, or to clarify any questions, contact our support by e-mail:

Modalities of PRÓ-VIDA activities


Presenter in-center

Participants in-center

This is a live activity carried out in one of the PRÓ-VIDA Centers with both the presenter and the enrolled participants attending in-person.

Remote in-center

Remote presenter

Participants in-center

The activity is transmitted live from one of the PRÓ-VIDA studios to several Centers where the participants are attending in-person. It allows the presenter and the participants to interact despite the fact that the presenter is in a remote location. 


Online presenter

Online participants

The activity is transmitted live from one of the PRÓ-VIDA studios and enables interaction between participants and the presenter in a virtual environment.

To learn more about the modalities, talk to a PRÓ-VIDA representative by chat or email (for Brazil residents) or (for residents in other countries).





Semana de Avançado 1


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.





Semana de Introdução


It will be transmitted in the following language ​​and times:


Monday to Friday

at 8:30 p.m.*

Time Zone: (UTC-03:00) Brasilia

*The activity lasts approximately 3 hours.

To find out how to participate, click below.

No registrations will be made on the weekend before the activity, or in the week it takes place.





Semana de Avançado 1


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.





Semana de Básico


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*


às 14h30*


às 10h00*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.

*Para repetição oficial, participantes que estão retornando ou em R.A., em breve mais informações.

Requisitos técnicos indispensáveis

Gostaríamos de informar que, para a participação no Básico on-line, são indispensáveis os seguintes requisitos mínimos:

Computador (Windows/Mac)

Computador com câmera integrada ou conectada por entrada USB.

As atividades não poderão ser assistidas por nenhum outro dispositivo, tais como celulares, smartphones e tablets ou computadores com outros sistemas operacionais.

Especificações e Sistema Operacional

• Processador: Intel Core i3, i5 e i7 – 3100 Series , ou superior.

• Memória RAM: 4GB, ou superior.

• Sistema Operacional:

• Windows 7 com todas as atualizações, ou versão superior (somente 64 bits).

• MacOS 10.15 Catalina, ou versão superior.

Verifique as configurações de seu computador Windows clicando aqui.

Como verificar suas especificações no Mac? Clique aqui.

Fones de ouvido com microfone (headset)

Modelos homologados para uso com nossa plataforma.

Consulte a lista de headsets homologados:


Banda larga com conexão estável, com no mínimo 10MB de download e 4MB de upload.

Como verificar sua banda de internet? Clique aqui para testa-la.

* Os requisitos técnicos poderão ser atualizados. Acompanhe aqui eventuais alterações.

Fones de ouvido homologados





Quiet Comfort 35 Stereo

USB e Bluetooth


Pro Stereo Headset UC150



BLZ 2400 II



Evolve 20 MS



Evolve 75

USB e Bluetooth


UC Voice 550a MS Mono



Everest Elite 750NC Stereo



Headset H390



Stereo H650e



LifeChat LX-3000



LifeChat LX-6000



Blackwire 320



Blackwire 3220 Series



Blackwire C220



Audio 628 USB



USBC Headset






Headset Pulse 7.1





Atualização: 11.06.2021

Regras de conduta para prevenção da COVID-19

Uso de Máscaras

Cobrindo a boca e o nariz. Usar o tempo todo.
Evitar tocar a boca, o nariz e os olhos.


Mínimo de 2 metros


Lavar frequentemente ou higienizar com álcool em gel.

Etiqueta Respiratória

Ao espirrar ou tossir, proteger a boca e o nariz com o cotovelo, ou usar lenço descartável.


Se apresentar sintomas, ficar em casa e buscar atendimento médico.