A New Beginning
A New Beginning
One day a man decided to resolve a conflict. For this, the best thing to do would be to go on a trip, idealized some time before. He arranged everything and left.
During the trip, he crossed through valleys and mountains on foot. The sun’s rays accompanied him with its every rise and set. The road was difficult, but as he climbed, he concentrated on his objective: to reach the highest point and to contemplate the vast landscape that lay out ahead of him. When the sun set, he stopped. And when the moon and the stars appeared, he admired them.
He admired them because the immensity was present, inside and outside of him. Up there, it seemed as if one could just stretch your hand and reach some of the thousands and thousands of bright lights that illuminated the deep darkness of the night.
In these moments of pure silence, he felt that he was connected to himself and to the Universe. There could be no explanation to describe that, even being so tiny, he could be integrated into something so large, so harmoniously designed.
And, suddenly, he was grateful: for being on this path, for having the possibility of closing a circle and moving on to another and, naturally, he was already starting to propose changes in his life.
How many times have we set out to start a similar journey on an inner search? How many times have we stopped to admire something? How often have we felt a part of something bigger? How often have we felt like giving thanks?
A new solstice has just taken place, the closing of another year, and with it, for many, the time to make adjustments, to outline new objectives.
As nature itself shows us, in the process of life, there are moments of sowing, others of growth and maturation, and also of harvesting.
Auspicious times to begin again, to leave the old and open space for the new, to open up to something greater, transcend the aspects that limit us and allow the light to enter … The Light that illuminates the world.