Advanced 1 and Introduction weeks will be held online

Advanced 1 and Introduction weeks will be held online


PRÓ-VIDA will also offer the Advanced 1 and Introduction weeks online, which make up respectively, the second and third levels of the mental training and development program created by Dr. Celso Charuri over 40 years ago. The first level of the program is the Basic, the entry door to PRÓ-VIDA, which began to be offered digitally in July this year. A new Basic Week has been scheduled for November 8 to 14.

Two weeks of Advanced 1 weeks in the online mode are scheduled. The first will be from October 25 to 29 and the second, from the November 22 to 26. Registration is open. At this moment, both weeks will be offered in Portuguese, to Brazil residents.

The online Introduction week will be held from December 6 to 10. Registration is open. To participate in this third level of the PRÓ-VIDA program, you must have completed the Basic and Advanced 1 level weeks twice. To learn more about how to continue the mental training and development program, click here

PRÓ-VIDA is organizing these activities in different languages ​​and for residents of different countries. More information will be released soon.

Follow the opening of new for Basic, Advanced 1 and Introduction level weeks through the calendar available on the website’s homepage.

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