Donations Made to 66 Institutions in Brazil and the U.S.


Donations Made to 66 Institutions in Brazil and the U.S.

The practice of donating, here in PRÓ-VIDA, expresses an ideal. It has been present in our movement since 1979, when Dr. Celso Charuri founded CGD-PV (Central Geral do Dízimo PRÓ-VIDA, General Center for the Tithe – PRÓ-VIDA) and carried out the first donation ceremony to a philanthropic institution. It’s an act that transcends borders and ideologies, regardless of origin or beliefs, seeking to value, promote, and recover human beings by providing them with the means to achieve a more dignified life. In February, this gesture was once again carried out in Brazil and, for the first time, in the United States, benefiting a total of 66 philanthropic institutions.

In Brazil, the Donation Ceremony was held on February 15, in the PRÓ-VIDA Center in Sorocaba, São Paulo, by CGD-PV and its affiliates. The delivery of more than 52,000 products to 63 institutions was formalized, directly impacting 10,000 people across 11 Brazilian states. Among the donated items were 17 vehicles, furniture items, household appliances, items for educational, sports, circus, and recreational activities, musical instruments, healthcare, IT, and electronic equipment, and materials for renovations.

In the United States, the donations to three philanthropic institutions located in New York City—where the Donation Ceremony took place on February 22—were formalized. The delivered items included a vehicle, furniture and office supplies, household appliances, photo and video cameras, dancewear, and industrial kitchens. The donation was made by the Centrale delle Decime d’Italia (Center for the Tithe of Italy), as the country’s legislation allows for the receipt and distribution of donations beyond its borders.

Sorocaba (Brazil)

By carrying out these donations, we seek to set an example that a more solidary conduct is simple, accessible to all, and powerful enough to transform the world into a better place. It is a way of being that manifests in individuals who have already reached a more expanded consciousness—who recognize they are not alone in the world and that their actions impact the environment around them. It is precisely these actions that will define the environment, and not the other way around, as José Newton Bereta explained in his speech on behalf of CGD-PV in Sorocaba.

“He [Dr. Celso] explained to us that, until now, humanity has attempted to build a better world by transforming the environment, believing that the environment makes the man and that if man lived in a good environment, he would be good. (…) By following this premise, humanity has created this current world, which is anything but good. But if it was man that created this world, then surely a better man would create something better (…) So Dr. Celso dedicated himself to increasing the size of man, through PRÓ-VIDA, teaching people how to use and develop their minds better, and showed us what the human mind is capable of and that someone who trains the mind can have and be whatever they desire,” said Bereta.

When we talk about donating, we are not only referring to the delivery of material goods but also to the act of sharing oneself, of their knowledge, health, or joy, for example, with those in need, creating a virtuous cycle of solidarity that puts humanity on the path of a more just and harmonious society.

“(…) We came to give what was asked of us, what can be purchased with money, but also to give our solidarity, our support, to offer hope, to give our love,” said Fernando Janikian, representing CGD-Italy at the Donation Ceremony in New York.

New York (U.S.)

This multiplying idea of solidarity was highlighted by Kleyton Arlindo Barella, a representative of the Dr. João Penido Burnier Foundation from Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil:

“One of the most important things you have here is charity and the fact you have been able to multiply this charity. It would be very easy to help in a simple way, but you multiply everything you do by supporting those who support others,” he said.

A similar sentiment was shared by Erminda Aparecida Alves, a representative of the Association for the Visually Impaired (ADV) from Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil:

“These resources are not just numbers on a balance sheet, they represent dreams, opportunities, and the chance to transform lives,” she commented.

In New York, the representatives of institutions commented that the donation “is something that truly changes our lives,” as expressed by Joann Ferrara of Dancing Dreams, and that they will “give their best to turn this opportunity into something incredible for the streets of New York,” as stated by Michele Marotta of The JoyJ Initiative and Father Michael of the Shrine Church of St. Anthony of Padua.

The Centers for the Tithe – PRÓ-VIDA are non-profit organizations. They receive anonymous, voluntary, and optional contributions, which are fully allocated in the form of goods and materials to charitable institutions. All the Centers operate through volunteer collaborators – more than 4,000 worldwide.

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