The Self and the World – how to deal with influences
The Self and the World – how to deal with influences
In processes of choice throughout life, we often hear about influences. But after all, what are they? To understand a word, the analysis of its origin is frequently useful. “Influence”, originated from Latin, means “what flows inwards”. Therefore, it is reasonable to understand influences as everything that comes from the outside, from the environment, and enters into us, individuals.
Advice can be an influence; an example as well. Society’s opinion, a friend or family member’s opinion, a TV show, or content on social media can influence someone’s actions. Influences are everywhere, because they’re an essential part of the very interaction between us and the environment. But what should we do with them?
It can be very unpleasant to end up as a marionette, being pulled and shaken by the strings without knowing where you’re going, what to do or what controls you. But would it be of any value just going against the pulls? If you were about to go for a walk, someone tells you to go walking and you decide to stay at home just out of spite, are you free? Or you continue under the control of the same previous forces, but only in a different way?
To gain real independence from influences, a very important tool is consciousness. It’s necessary to know how to identify influences, to know the origin of every impulse that gets in touch with your will – and also to know where these impulses will lead you, if you let them. A good habit for that might be to ask yourself questions. “Why did I do it that way?” “Why do I value that?” “Why do I dislike that other thing?” “Why do I admire that person?” By answering these questions, we get a better understanding of aspects of our own nature, and it becomes easier to identify if we are doing something because it really resonates with ourselves or if we are just “swimming with the tide”, acting without thinking. After all, an influence can induce us to make a mistake, but it can also be something that makes us realize what we really want throughout our lives.
So, from this point of view, we can say that influences, when brought to consciousness, are a very important tool to identify our characteristics, wishes and the actions that are more suitable for us. By carefully considering influences, without accepting or refusing right away, and seeking to act according to our own nature, we are taking full advantage of this wonderful