A new look at work
A new look at work
Work, throughout the centuries, has been changing, and so has humanity’s relationship with it.
There are those who look at work in the light of the Latin concept, in which the verb “trabalhar” (to work in Portuguese) derives from tripalium, the name of a medieval torture device. In the Roman language, it’s different, and the term is conceptualized as “labor”, “collaboration”.
Even through linguistics, it is possible to observe different ways to engage with the daily office.
It is interesting to notice that some people find pleasure in their work, while others perceive it as a reason for suffering.
Why are there certain activities in which there is such a feeling of pleasure that time passes by unnoticed and on the other hand, there are some activities in which it seems that time doesn’t pass at all…
Isn’t it possible that what we feel may want to tell us something?
Considering that these feelings could bring a lot of answers about ourselves and, therefore, about what brings us happiness.
The more we know ourselves, the more clarity to define an objective. The more genuine our objective, the greater is the pleasure of manifesting the immense potential that exists within each of us.
And it is precisely through this knowing ourselves a bit more every day that we get closer and closer to another kind of work, more subtle, that goes from “ofício” (office) to “sacred office”, by recognizing its universal importance.