July 31, 1981
July 31, 1981
The knowledge that you take and can receive now is more about nourishment, a satisfaction. It’s more of a prize, more of a lenitive to cope with the days that are approaching, the times that are approaching, the crises that will come. So, the knowledge that comes, comes in a sense even of better comprehending everything that will have to happen to the population, with the peoples in general, and also in the sense of rewarding, because it makes you feel good, it’s nice… it’s the proof that while some torture themselves for what will come, others here will probably feel good.
It’s so good to know, it’s so good to have all this, to use, to show, to serve as an example. While some take bitter stuff out there, you have inside yourselves nectar to ease theirs and the ones that you may have.
This is good, because it lets the knowledge come more smoothly, more pleasant, as if you already knew the end of a road. And now you’re here, you have to move forward, and so you move forward receiving much better things, much healthier than the simple things you can receive out there. In this way, it’s possible to consider the knowledge that should come.
So many classes, so many talks we’ve had about suffering. Why not live in peace and just savor the sweetness of the Knowledge, of Wisdom, of the whole Plan that was devised?
I’m also happy because most of you have been working, have been cooperating; I believe that everybody is present here. And everyone here is really cooperating with all of PRÓ-VIDA, everyone is doing their part, doing a little bit, so this is satisfying! But it must be satisfying for everyone. A work that we do, no longer… forced, or to show. It’s just because it’s pleasant, right? “I’m doing my part;” each one does their part. This is for us. I mean, there’s no longer another intention. Maybe we’re giving a good example by doing this for others; without wanting to… without forcing, just because it’s good, because it’s good to fight for our world, for our society, while out there they… tear one another apart, while out there they’re…
I hope… I even hope to transmit with what I said a calmness, a state of calmness within each one, because now our work becomes an unpretentious, pleasant, harmonic work among us! And without violent impulses; just with a balanced, well measured step, in a direction that we already know. We don’t have a wall ahead of us; we walk calmly, serenely – which is the term I like to use – enjoying the good road, the good paving that we knew how to choose. Walking softly, watching a show already recognized as necessary. Sad, because not everyone is there; glad because the Law gets fulfilled; but especially in Peace.
I want, or I’d like to be able to transmit this to you, because at the instant you capture this state of Peace, you’ll be allowing space for the comprehension of the knowledge that you already have and of the knowledge that will come. But without this state of Peace, of serenity, there’s no space for the comprehension of the Knowledge. Anxiety is the last veil.