Donations are held in Italy, Chile and Bolivia


Donations are held in Italy, Chile and Bolivia

In October, November and December, donations were held by the Centers for the Tithe PRÓ-VIDA (CD) in Italy, Chile and Bolivia. Three months, three countries and the same gesture, that of donating. Behind it, a purpose that has inspired the action of PRÓ-VIDA’s participants for 44 years: building a Much Better World.

This is an idea that Dr. Celso Charuri, the movement’s founder, showed to be attainable when you reach out to others. “Those who have give to those who don’t have,” he said. He founded CGD-PV (Central Geral do Dízimo PRÓ-VIDA – General Center for the Tithe PRÓ-VIDA), holding its first donation in 1979, as Andrea Tosoni, representative of the Center for the Tithe of Italy, said during the donation ceremony held on October 28, at PRÓ-VIDA’s Verona Center, benefiting seven charitable institutions.

Since then, imitating his gesture, anonymous, spontaneous and voluntary donations have been made by PRÓ-VIDA participants, benefiting institutions with actions carried out through the six PRÓ-VIDA Tithe Centers around the world. Besides the donation of thousands of items, CGD-PV has built and donated 14 vocational schools, said Renato Gomiero, representative of the Tithe Center of Chile, during the donation ceremony held on November 11, at PRÓ-VIDA’s Center in Santiago, which benefited three institutions.

These donations help institutions continue to assist people well, but will not definitively resolve the situation because new demands will come. So, why donate? Because the action sets an example that transforming the world into a better place is in the hands of each person.

And this look of care for others is naturally awakened within those who have developed their mind, who have expanded their consciousness and come to realize that they are an integral part of a family, a neighborhood, a city, a country until they feel the greatness of the universe, said the Bolivia CD representative, João Camarneiro, quoting the words of Dr. Celso at the donation ceremony held on December 9, at the PRÓ-VIDA Center in Santa Cruz de La Sierra, with donations to two institutions. “How can I, with a developed mind, have all this if next to me many don’t have a mere piece of bread? (…) Those with an expanded consciousness never abandon their fellow”, said Camarneiro. 

The donation ceremonies had the participation of the institutions’ representatives, who expressed their gratitude. “(…) this donation will help us to give our best”, said Mónica Gana, of the Fundación de Ayuda al Niño Oncológico Sagrada Familia, at the event in Santiago (Chile). In Verona (Italy), Don Gianluca representative of the Fundação Madonna di Lourdes’, commented: “It’s not like we have to save the world, but we can love”. In Santa Cruz de la Sierra, sister Nélida, of Hogar San Lorenzo, said that “so many children will pass through this place and will benefit from it, they will use all this affection, this love that is being offered here”.

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